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#love #valentines #loveisintheair #montauk #amor

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Случвало ли ви се е да попаднете сред млади хора на полудив плаж, които сякаш живеят живот, различен от този на съвсем близкия град, всъщност различен от всичко наоколо, със свои правила (или липса на такива), със свои блянове?

Точно това се е случило на 17-годишния Майкъл (днес познат като известния нюйоркски фотограф Michael Dweck). Момчето завинаги се влюбило в плажа, разположен край малкото селище с индианско име Монтаук, на стотина мили от Ню Йорк. И в неговите хора.

Връщал се там всяко лято, в продължение на 3 десетилетия, преди да се почувства един от тях – един от това весело, свободолюбиво и малко затворено общество.

За да ознаменува чувството си на принадлежност (най-накрая) и любовта към Монтаук, Майкъл издава книга, събрала фотографските му спомени – The End:

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Apres surf #shower #beach #summer

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#goodbyesummer #mermaids #montauk #beach #michaeldweck

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Reposting this image due to Instagram's ridiculous censorship policy. Like most of my work, The End: Montauk, N.Y. started as an attempt to build creative walls around a very particular, cloistered scene – its characters, its setting, its lifestyle, etc. – and then, from that, capture an idealized impression on that scene. I didn’t want to be the documentarian that explains a foreign world, nor the insider bragging about his haunts, but rather a filmmaker, in a sense, who actually transports you to new environs, immerses you in a place and time, and tells a story in the process. At that point in time, when I was working on the collection, this type of narrative work wasn’t really being done in fine art – but I knew I couldn’t really do justice to Montauk – both as I knew it and imagined it – without approaching it as something with a plot… Montauk is one of those places that just feels different. You don’t have to tell a first-timer that they’re going somewhere special, because they can just get out of the car and feel it. And that’s still there. It’s something intangible – and for that matter ineffable. You can’t explain it, and you can’t erase it. That’s my Montauk: That’s what developers can’t destroy, and tourists can’t tread over… It’s a feeling that you get at Ditch Plains, or talking to a fisherman before a storm, or just staring out at the sea at sunrise. Something about the community, the natural beauty, the lifestyle…

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Снимки: © Michael Dweck

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