Те са били създавани за манекени. За витрини или за модни ателиета. Но Emilie Steele открива, че по им отива да разказват свои истории, да смущават, провокират, будят размисли…

„Още като дете се вълнувах от начините да изразявам себе си. Куклите си правех сама – тогава от хартия и плат…“,

разказва шведската художничка. Куклите ѝ днес са изработени с любов към детайла, но най-важното – към силната индивидуалност и различността.

Смущаващите кукли на Emilie Steele

Born to endless night #midnoir #artdoll #handcrafted #sculpture #bjd #art #doll #dollphotography #artbjd #darkart #rini #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Red in Wood #artdoll #bjd #handcrafted #sculpture #ooakdoll #couturedoll #woodfashion #balljointeddoll #art #doll #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Red #artdoll #bjd #iwouldratherbered #dollphotography #sculpture #art #doll #ooakdoll #dollartistry #redflowers #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Twisted #red #artdoll #bjd #ooakdoll #handcrafted #sculpture #art #doll #dollartistry #dollphotography #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

– Sonder – #artbjd #artdoll #handcrafted #sculpture #bjd #dollphotography #dollartistry #emiliesteele #art #doll

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Haunted #artbjd #artdoll #rini #midnoir #emiliesteele #bjd #ooakdoll #exclusivedoll #handmadeeyes #handcrafted #sculpture

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

First painted Rini #artbjd #rini #artdoll #emiliesteele #bjd #midnoir #alpacahair #handmadeeyes #ooakdoll

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Wrapped in feathers #artdoll #bjd #rini #midnoir #artbjd #feathery #handcrafted #sculpture #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

She's actually very heavy holding like this #artbjd #rini #artdoll #ooakdoll #bjd #emiliesteele #midnoir #handcrafted #sculpture

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Autumn Camouflage #artdoll #rini #handcrafted #sculpture #artbjd #bjd #art #doll #dollphotography #emiliesteele #midnoir

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Close to home tonight #supermoon #rini #moonchild #midnoir #artdoll #bjd #artbjd #handcrafted #sculpture #emiliesteele

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Happy Valentine 💖 #selflove #artdoll #handcrafted #sculpture #pinkvalentine #bjd #art #doll #artbjd #rini #emiliesteele #midnoir

A post shared by Emilie Steele | MIDNOIR (@emilie.steele) on

Снимки: Emilie Steele в Instagram

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