„Аз съм фотограф и педагог, живеещ в микробус със своята дама (това съвсем не е толкова странно, колкото звучи). Обичам да създавам изкуство, което вълнува и вярвам в девиза:

Създавайте каквото чувствате.“

Така се представя фотографът Бен Сасо (Ben Sasso), който също така определя стила си като съставен от две части – визуален и емоционален стил. И докато във визуалния не се смята за отличаващ се с нещо повече от предпочитанието към меката светлина и естествената среда, то за емоционалния държи на създаването на интимни моменти, заредени с интензивни чувства и усещания.

Заредени с чувства и усещания – интимните портрети на Ben Sasso

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Is your creativity trapped in a cage of insecurity, self critique, social convention, or fear of acceptance? – If you feel that creativity exists in you but isn’t coming out, try removing the walls you built to imprison it. The problem might not be that the ideas aren’t there, but that you put obstacles of self critique and fear in their way. At their worst, those obstacles are impassable. At best, they’re filters built to protect your ego by only letting out the ideas deemed “safe.” – Those “dangerous” ideas are probably some of your best. Let them out. For the sake of your creative fulfillment, and for the sake of encouraging unapologetic creative expression. That’s the whole flippin point. – Edited with @HeckYeahPresets / 5D IV + 24L II – Questions are always welcome! Duh. – #makeportraits #portraitcollective #lookslikefilm #photographyislifee #canon #thatsdarling #chasinglight #visualcoop #tellon #ftwotw #canon #naturallight #chasinglight #loveauthentic #filmpalette #belovedstories #watchthisinstagood #quietthechaos #naturallight #portraitpage #expofilm #bravogreatphoto #featuremeseas #ftmedd #deepfeelingsmp #l0tsabraids

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When shooting, think thoughts like this: "This portrait isn't interesting enough yet, how can I change that?" or "How can I shoot this image in a way that hasn't been done?" or "Is what I'm shooting right now actually cool to me, or am I shooting it because it has a low risk of being bad in someone else's eyes?" – Then adjust accordingly. – Edited with @HeckYeahPresets / 5D IV + 24L II – Questions are always welcome! Duh. – #makeportraits #portraitcollective #lookslikefilm #photographyislifee #canon #thatsdarling #chasinglight #visualcoop #tellon #ftwotw #canon #naturallight #chasinglight #loveauthentic #filmpalette #belovedstories #watchthisinstagood #quietthechaos #naturallight #portraitpage #expofilm #bravogreatphoto #featuremeseas #ftmedd #deepfeelingsmp #l0tsabraids

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C​REATE MORE THAN A MESS OF DETAILS​ Maya Angelou once said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Memorable images trigger an emotional response. That's what makes them memorable. Great composition and perfected light aren't enough if those details don't lend power to the statement the image makes. – Instead of creating like this: "This composition is great because it frames the subject well, and this light will flatter my subject." Create like this: "This pose represents humanity's desire for growth and exploration by reaching upward and keeping only minimal contact with our comfort zone of Earth. This light makes the familiarity of the human form seem foreign and primitive, revealing the humble beginning we all came from as well as the uniformity of what lives behind the mask we each create for ourselves." – Create more than a mess of details. Curate details into a feeling. – Edited with @HeckYeahPresets / 5D IV + 24L II – Questions are always welcome! Duh. – #makeportraits #portraitcollective #lookslikefilm #photographyislifee #canon #thatsdarling #chasinglight #visualcoop #tellon #ftwotw #canon #naturallight #chasinglight #loveauthentic #filmpalette #belovedstories #watchthisinstagood #quietthechaos #naturallight #portraitpage #expofilm #bravogreatphoto #featuremeseas #ftmedd #deepfeelingsmp #l0tsabraids

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