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A nice little time hop! There is a 10 year gap between these two shots of #GorgeousGeorge. Though time hasn't changed the great man. #GeorgeClooney

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Какво си представяте като чуете Робърт Де Ниро, Мерил Стрийп, Ал Пачино, Пенелопе Крус, Скарлет Йохансон, Джордж Клуни? Блясък, червени килими, корици на списания, красиви филмови афиши?

Има артисти обаче, които предпочитат да видят истинските им, и често доста забавни, лица. А за нас е истински късмет, че един от тях е Andy Gotts.

Не знаем как го прави, но нюйоркският фотограф явно е способен да накара всекиго да се държи непринудено, искрено, веселяшки…

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I absolutely adored #RobinWilliams. I was fortunate enough to have met the man a couple of times but the last time was the most poignant. We had arranged to have a shoot in #NewYork whilst he was promoting his one man gig. Robin was on fire that day, literally. He had a stack of identical black T-shirts and after every 10-15 minutes he would change into a fresh one as he antics on and off camera was causing mass perspiration. He was telling anecdotes, doing impressions….the guy was never ‘off’. At one quiet moment we sat and had a coffee and he was telling me about his life. He told me of the time he was out partying with #JohnBelushi in LA the night Belushi died and the effect of someone that close dying. Robin was a tortured genius. All of us have demons we fend off, sometimes daily, but for some the fight can be tiring. Yes, Robin played the perfect clown, his energetic delivery was infectious, but personally it was his understated acting roles that made him something special. #DeadPoetsSociety #OneHourPhoto and #Insomnia to name but three. Rest well Captain, my Captain. Robin was born this day in 1951. “This is Mork signing off, nanu nanu.” #MrsDoubtfire #GoodMorningVietnam #GoodWillHunting #Awakenings #Hook #Jumanji #TheBirdCage #Flubber #PatchAdams #NightAtTheMuseum #photography #celebrityphotographer #blackandwhitephotography #AndyGotts #OneShotGotts

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Mamma Mia! Do you join the septuagenarian club today Sophie or not? Unfortunately its not your choice…happy 70th birthday to the legend #MerylStreep. Ive been lucky enough to have worked with Meryl a couple of times and you would find it hard to meet another person who is so down to earth and humble. This shot was taken not long after #TheIronLady had finished filming and I was forewarned that her ‘people’ were quite adamant that only even lighting was used and nothing over head…as usual I ignored everything and went for over head lighting. But a wink and a smile from Meryl was all I needed to know that ’she’ was ok with what I was doing. This is actually an unused shot and had been sitting in my library, so I thought I would dust it off for todays celebrations. #MammaMia #SophiesChoice #OutOfAfrica #TheDeerHunter #KramerVsKramer #TheFrenchLieutenantsWoman #TheRiverWild #TheBridgesOfMadisonCounty #TheDevilWearsPrada #Doubt #photography #blackandwhitephotography #celebrityphotographer #AndyGotts #OneShotGotts

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I do love a good outtake photo and this one from my #ClintEastwood shoot is a fab memory. I never try to preplan my portraits, but I always have ‘a feeling’ of the type of shot I want to capture. With Clint it was pretty easy. Whenever I hear his name I picture the narrowing of the eyes and thinning of the lips, usually just before drawing a gun from a holster or throwing a punch. This was the face I wanted! Whilst setting up Clint was at his piano playing a little bit of jazz (this shall now be called my official setting up theme) and spirits where high. When I was ready he came over to my lighting set up and presented himself to me with this lovely warm, calm, charming face. Not what I wanted. When I exclaimed “I am looking for Dirty Harry not Grandpa Walton”, Clint had a bit of a laugh…and this was the result. Happy 89th birthday Mr Eastwood. #AFistfulOfDollars #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly #AFewDollarsMore #CoogansBluff #WhereEaglesDare #DirtyHarry #MagnumForce #TheGauntlet #EveryWhichWayButLoose #EscapeFromAlcatraz #PaleRider #TheDeadPool #Unforgiven #InTheLineOfFire #MillionDollarBaby #GranTorino #photography #celebrityphotographer #AndyGotts #OneShotGotts

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Източник: Andy Gotts’s website
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